Rules 1/4
Deal a random Number (#) to each player. Your Number is your secret. The Numbers go from 1 to 21.
One player (the Director) draws a Directive (record_voice_over).
Everyone cooperates to reveal each Number in order from lowest to highest.
Rules 2/4
The Director has the final say. Don't reveal your Number until the Director tells you to.
You must only communicate the value on your Number via the Directive. You can't say any number or show numbers on your fingers unless the Directive says.
Rules 3/4
The Directives are vague. You must discuss how to interpret the Directive amongst you (without saying numbers!)
You can't lose the game. But, if you say a number or reveal a Number out of order, you get a Strike. Try to get fewer Strikes each round!
Rules 4/4
The round ends when all the Numbers are revealed.
The Director for the next round is the person to the left of the current Director.
Shuffle and re-deal the Numbers and pick a new Directive!